Table 1.
Case | Date in 2015 | Breed, Sex | Age | Origin | Vacc. Status |
Exposure History and Clinical Signs |
Disease Phenotype | CPEs | Duration of Illness | Outcome |
NSW_1 Index case |
15/11 | DSH F |
1.5 m | MCH | Unvacc. | Index case URT signs, lameness. |
URTD | N/A | 2 d | R |
NSW_2 Index case |
15/11 | DSH F |
1.5 m | MCH | Unvacc. | Index case URT signs, lameness. |
URTD | N/A | 4 d | R |
NSW_3 | 02/12 | DSH F |
4 m | SCH | Unknown | Pyrexia, lethargy, bilateral forelimb oedema, jaundice. Onset of CS 2 days after a surgical procedure (hindlimb amputation). |
VSD | N/A | 4 d | D |
NSW_4 | 06/12 | DSH M |
1.25 m | SCH | Unvacc. | Pyrexia, lethargy, facial and forelimb oedema. Onset of CS 7 days after a surgical procedure (abscess drainage). |
VSD | N/A | 5 d | D |
NSW_5 1,2,3 | 07/12 | DSH FN |
6 y | SCH | Incomp. | Pyrexia, multiple limb oedema, jaundice. Onset of CS 4 days after a surgical procedure (abscess drainage). |
VSD | 24 h | 7 d | D |
NSW_6 | 09/12 | DSH MN |
1 y | SCH | Complete | Pyrexia, forelimb oedema. Onset of CS 4 days after a surgical procedure (abscess drainage). |
VSD | N/A | 9 d | R |
NSW_7 | 14/12 | DSH M |
2 y | MCH | Complete | Pyrexia, facial and forelimb oedema, oral ulcers. | VSD | N/A | 2 d | E |
NSW_8 | 14/12 | DSH FN |
3 y | SCH | Complete | Pyrexia, facial oedema. Onset of CS 5 days after a surgical procedure (jaw fracture repair). |
VSD | N/A | 1 d | E |
NSW_9 1,2 | 18/12 | DSH F |
1.5 m | MCH | Unknown | Pyrexia, facial oedema. Onset of CS 4 days after a surgical procedure (for intestinal intussusception). |
VSD | 24 h | 1 d | E |
1 Samples collected for viral culture. 2 Whole-genome sequencing performed. 3 Isolate NSW_5_V1 was tested against 3 antiviral agents in vitro (Figure 4). CS, clinical signs; d, days; D, died; DSH, domestic shorthair; E, euthanised; F, female; FN, female neutered; Incomp., incomplete; m, months; M, male; MN, male neutered; MCH, multicat household; N/A, not applicable; R, recovered; SCH, single-cat household; Unvacc., unvaccinated; URTD, upper respiratory tract disease; Vacc., vaccinated; VSD, virulent systemic disease; y, years.