Table 3.
Case | Date in 2018 | Breed, Sex | Age | Origin | Vacc. Status |
Exposure History and Clinical Signs (CS) |
Disease Phenotype | CPEs | Duration of Illness | Outcome |
ACT_1 **,1,2 Index case |
22/01 | DSH FN |
4 m | MCH | Incomp. | Fever, inappetence, lameness, polyarthropathy. Adopted from a shelter. |
URTD | 36 h | 14 d | R |
ACT_2 **,1,2 Index case |
22/01 | DSH MN |
4 m | MCH | Incomp. | Fever, lethargy, sneezing. Adopted from a shelter. |
URTD | 36 h | 14 d | R |
ACT_3 ****,1,2 | 23/01 | DSH M |
10 y | MCH | Unvacc. | No CS. Adopted from a rescue society. Presented on 23/01 for a dental procedure. |
Asympt. | 60 h | N/A | N/A |
ACT_4 **** | 30/01 | DSH FN |
5 y | MCH | Complete | Fever, pain on abdominal palpation, limb oedema, myopathy, creatine kinase 20,206 U/L (RR < 261); AST 487 U/L, (RR < 60), myoglobinuria. Indoor cat co-housed with ACT_3. Onset of CS 7 days after ACT_3 had a dental procedure. |
VSD | N/A | 9 d | R |
ACT_5 | 02/02 | DSH MN |
8 y | MCH | Complete | Fever, inappetence, hypersalivation, jaundice, lumbar muscle pain, facial/limb oedema, ulcerated nasal planum. Onset of CS 4 days after a dental procedure. |
VSD | N/A | 21 d | R |
ACT_6 *** | 07/02 | DSH FN |
5 y | MCH | Complete | Vomiting, fever, painful kidneys on abdominal palpation, marked facial and limb oedema (all limbs), subcutaneous oedema of flanks, oral ulcers, swollen nose. Onset of CS 14 days after dental check-up. |
VSD | N/A | 10 d | R |
ACT_7 *,1,2 | 08/02 | Maine Coon MN |
10 m | MCH | Complete | Fever, inappetence, oral ulcers. Onset of CS 8 days after ACT_8 had a dental procedure. |
URTD | 48 h | 7 d | R |
ACT_8 * | 08/02 | DSH MN |
15 y | MCH | Unknown | Fever, inappetence, nasal planum ulcers. Onset of CS 8 days after being admitted to the hospital for a dental procedure. |
URTD | 12 d | R | |
ACT_9 ***,1,2 | 14/02 | Ragdoll cross MN |
4 y | MCH | Comp. | Fever, inappetence, lethargy, facial/limb oedema, swollen nose. Indoor cat co-housed with ACT-6. | VSD | 36 h | 7 d | R |
* From same household; ** from same household; *** from same household. **** from same household 1 Samples collected for viral culture. 2 Whole-genome sequencing performed. Comp., complete; CS, clinical signs; D, died; DSH, domestic shorthair; E, euthanised; F, female; FN, female neutered; Incomp., incomplete; M, male; MN, male neutered; MCH, multicat household; N/A, not applicable; R, recovered; SCH, single-cat household; Unvacc., unvaccinated; URTD, upper respiratory tract disease; Vacc., vaccinated; VSD, virulent systemic disease; wks, weeks; y, years.