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. 2021 Oct 9;13(10):2040. doi: 10.3390/v13102040

Table 3.

Case details of cases of suspected FCV-VSD in Outbreak 3 in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in 2018 and the suspected case of origin, disease phenotype, time until first appearance of cytopathic effects (CPEs) in viral culture, duration of illness and outcome.

Case Date in 2018 Breed, Sex Age Origin Vacc.
Exposure History and
Clinical Signs (CS)
Disease Phenotype CPEs Duration of Illness Outcome
ACT_1 **,1,2
Index case
22/01 DSH
4 m MCH Incomp. Fever, inappetence, lameness, polyarthropathy.
Adopted from a shelter.
URTD 36 h 14 d R
ACT_2 **,1,2
Index case
22/01 DSH
4 m MCH Incomp. Fever, lethargy, sneezing.
Adopted from a shelter.
URTD 36 h 14 d R
ACT_3 ****,1,2 23/01 DSH
10 y MCH Unvacc. No CS. Adopted from a rescue society.
Presented on 23/01 for a dental procedure.
Asympt. 60 h N/A N/A
ACT_4 **** 30/01 DSH
5 y MCH Complete Fever, pain on abdominal palpation, limb oedema, myopathy, creatine kinase 20,206 U/L (RR < 261); AST 487 U/L, (RR < 60), myoglobinuria.
Indoor cat co-housed with ACT_3. Onset of CS 7 days after ACT_3 had a dental procedure.
VSD N/A 9 d R
ACT_5 02/02 DSH
8 y MCH Complete Fever, inappetence, hypersalivation, jaundice, lumbar muscle pain, facial/limb oedema, ulcerated nasal planum.
Onset of CS 4 days after a dental procedure.
VSD N/A 21 d R
ACT_6 *** 07/02 DSH
5 y MCH Complete Vomiting, fever, painful kidneys on abdominal palpation, marked facial and limb oedema (all limbs), subcutaneous oedema of flanks, oral ulcers, swollen nose.
Onset of CS 14 days after dental check-up.
VSD N/A 10 d R
ACT_7 *,1,2 08/02 Maine
10 m MCH Complete Fever, inappetence, oral ulcers.
Onset of CS 8 days after ACT_8 had a dental procedure.
URTD 48 h 7 d R
ACT_8 * 08/02 DSH
15 y MCH Unknown Fever, inappetence, nasal planum ulcers.
Onset of CS 8 days after being admitted to the hospital for a dental procedure.
URTD 12 d R
ACT_9 ***,1,2 14/02 Ragdoll cross
4 y MCH Comp. Fever, inappetence, lethargy, facial/limb oedema, swollen nose. Indoor cat co-housed with ACT-6. VSD 36 h 7 d R

* From same household; ** from same household; *** from same household. **** from same household 1 Samples collected for viral culture. 2 Whole-genome sequencing performed. Comp., complete; CS, clinical signs; D, died; DSH, domestic shorthair; E, euthanised; F, female; FN, female neutered; Incomp., incomplete; M, male; MN, male neutered; MCH, multicat household; N/A, not applicable; R, recovered; SCH, single-cat household; Unvacc., unvaccinated; URTD, upper respiratory tract disease; Vacc., vaccinated; VSD, virulent systemic disease; wks, weeks; y, years.