Figure 1.
Maximum likelihood (ML) tree showing the phylogenetic relationships based on the nucleotide sequences of complete coat protein (CP) genes among 57 U.S. WMV isolates obtained in this study and 89 published WMV isolates reported worldwide previously (available from GenBank). In the ML trees, the names of U.S. WMV isolates obtained in this study are without accession number and denoted by the abbreviation of various states and number of isolates. Detailed information for the U.S. WMV isolates is listed in Table 1, while sequences of the 89 isolates from other countries that were downloaded from the GenBank are listed in Table S1. ML trees were generated using MEGA7 with the Tamura-Nei model (TN93+G+I) model. Bootstrap values (1000 replicates) greater than 50% are indicated at the tree nodes. soybean mosaic virus (SMV) was used as the outgroup.