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. 2021 Oct 14;57(10):1106. doi: 10.3390/medicina57101106

Table 1.

miRNA expression and its targeted gene associations with different biological effect in SCD.

microRNA Target (mRNA or Protein) Biological Effect Cell Type Reference
Let-7 BCL11A γ globin gene switching Erythrocyte [47]
miRNA-486-3p BCL11A Increasing expression of γ globin gene Erythrocyte [41,63,70]
miRNA-96 γ globin (CDS region) Suppressing γ globin gene expression Reticulocyte [50]
miRNA-29b DNMT, MYB Increasing expression of γ globin gene Erythroid progenitor, Reticulocyte [42]
miRNA-144 NRF2 Interference with antioxidant capacity; susceptibility to oxidative stress, hemolysis and severe anemia anemic phenotype Erythrocyte, Reticulocyte [16,29]
miRNA-221/-222 KLFD Decreasing of erythroblast proliferation and suppress HbF production Erythrocyte [57,59]
miRNA-199a KLF3, GATA-1 Regulating of human erythropoiesis and decrease HbF levels Erythrocyte [33,64]
miRNA-451 GATA-1 Inducing γ globin gene transcription and suppress α globin, Glycophorin-A Erythrocyte [13,30,32]
miRNA-320 CD71 Hemolysis-induced irregularity in erythropoiesis Reticulocyte [15,34]
miRNA-1225-3p PBXIPI Maintenance of hematopoiesis and lineage commitment by opposing erythropoiesis and promoting megakaryopoiesis Platelet [52]
miRNA-26b GATA1 Increasing γ globin gene expression Erythrocyte [65]
miRNA-210 γ globin γ globin gene switching Reticulocyte, Erythrocyte [66,67]
miRNA-23a SP1 Increases γ and ε globin expression Erythrocyte [71]
miRNA-27a KLF3 Regulating HbF expression and erythropoiesis Erythrocyte [71]
miRNA-34a STAT3 γ-globin activation Erythrocyte [72]
miRNA-15a/-16-1 MYB Increasing γ globin gene expression Erythroid progenitor [49,61,62]

BCL11A: B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11A protein, CD71: Transferrin receptor, CDS region; Coding DNA Sequence region mRNA, DNMT: DNA methyltransferase 1, GATA1: GATA-binding factor 1 mRNA, HbF: Fetal hemoglobin, KLF3: Krüppel-like factor 3 mRNA, KLFD: Krüppel-like factor d mRNA, MYB: Proto-oncogene mRNA, NRF2; Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 mRNA, PBXIPI: PBX homeobox interacting protein 1, SP1; Specificity protein 1 mRNA, and STAT3: Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3.