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. 2021 Sep 28;11(10):738. doi: 10.3390/membranes11100738
A Surface area of the electrode
ACS Actual charge due to the substrate
AEM Anion exchange membrane
AMD Acid mine drainage
bCOD Number of electrons exchanged per mole of oxygen
BPM Bipolar membranes
CEM Cation exchange membrane
CI Current interruption
CM Ceramic membrane
COD Chemical oxygen demand
CODf Final chemical oxygen demand
CODi Initial chemical oxygen demand
DC-MFC Dual-chamber microbial fuel cell
DO2 Oxygen diffusion coefficient
EMFC Voltage generated by the microbial fuel cell
F Faraday’s constant
FCs Fuel cells
I Current
IEC Ion-exchange capacity
IEM Ion-exchange membrane
IMFC Electrical current of the microbial fuel cell
KO Oxygen mass transfer coefficient
L Membrane thickness
MCOD Molecular weight of oxygen
MFC Microbial fuel cells
MFM Microfiltration filtration membrane
MWW Municipal wastewater
NF-117 Nafion® 117
OD Oxygen diffusion
OR Ohmic resistance
ORR Oxygen reduction reaction
P Power density
PC Proton conductivity
PEM Proton-exchange membrane
PEMFC Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell
PFSA Perfluorinated sulfonic acid
PMFC Power generated by the microbial fuel cell
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
R Membrane resistance
Rint Total internal resistance of the microbial fuel cell
SC-MFC Single chamber microbial fuel cell
SPEEK Sulphonated polyether ether ketone membrane
TCS Theoretical charge due to the substrate
UFM Ultrafiltration membrane
V Volume of liquid in the anode compartment
WW Wastewater
ηcoul Coulombic efficiency
ηCOD Chemical oxygen demand removal efficiency
ΔV Voltage difference
ρ Resistivity