Figure 6.
Location of all substitutions (allele frequency > 5%) described in this study in NS1, NP, HA, and NA proteins. (a) NS1 protein (PDB accession no. 4OPH) [61] RNA Binding (RBD), Linker region, and effector domain (ED) are highlighted in pink, green, and cyan, respectively. (b) NP trimer protein (PDB accession no. 2IQH) head domain is indicated in cyan, whereas body domain is highlighted in pink [64]. (c) HA trimer is also represented (PDB accession no. 3LZG); cyan, pink, and blue domains represent HA1, HA2, and Receptor binding domains, respectively. In orange, the CA antigenic site is highlighted [65]. I513V and V521M substitutions are not in the limit of the crystallographed structure. (d) NA tetramer (PDB accession no. 4B7Q) protein [66]. Finally, highlighted substitutions in blue were found in vaccinated animals, those in green were found in nonvaccinated animals, and those in orange in both. The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 4.3 was used to visualize the protein structures.