Irisin reduces apoptosis in the preeclamptic placenta. (A) A TUNEL assay shows a significant reduction of double-stranded DNA breaks, as measured by dUTP fluorescent molecules, when treated with Irisin. (B) 10 nm and 50 nm Irisin treatment in the preeclamptic placenta increased the anti-apoptotic BCL-2: pro-apoptotic BAX protein levels (n = 8). (Relative protein expression was determined by normalization to β-actin, a one-way analysis of variance and subsequent Tukey’s post hoc test to analyze differences between cohorts; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. Bar plots are presented as mean ± SEM. Scale bar = 100 μm. Green staining indicates DNA strand breaks; Blue staining is for Dapi indicating the cell nucleus. dUTP, deoxyUridine TriPhosphate; PE, Preeclampsia).