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. 2021 Oct 23;21:1928. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-11938-8

Table 2.

Clinical information of patients who participated in the Solomon Islands national tuberculosis patient cost survey: 2017–2019

Clinical characteristics Extra-pulmonary TB
N = 36
n (%)
Pulmonary TB
N = 147
n (%)
All patients
N = 183
n (%)
p value*
Treatment registration group
 New 34 (94.4) 136 (92.5) 170 (92.9) 0.917
 Relapse 1 (2.8) 5 (3.4) 6 (3.3)
 Retreatment excluding relapse 1 (2.8) 6 (4.1) 7 (3.8)
Drug resistance status
 Drug susceptible-TB 36 (100.0) 147 (100.0) 183 (100.0)
HIV status
 Negative 24 (66.7) 92 (62.6) 116 (63.4) 0.813
 Positive 0 (0.0) 1 (0.7) 1 (0.5)
 Unknown 12 (33.3) 54 (36.7) 66 (36.1)
Drug susceptibility testing conducted
 DST done 0 (0.0) 2 (1.4) 2 (1.1) 0.482
 DST not done 36 (100.0) 145 (98.6) 181 (98.9)
Mode of TB diagnosis
 Bacteriologically confirmed 5 (13.9) 116 (78.9) 121 (66.1) < 0.001
 Clinically diagnosed 31 (86.1) 31 (21.1) 62 (33.9)
Treatment phase
 Intensive phase 21 (58.3) 76 (51.7) 97 (53.0) 0.475
 Continuation phase 15 (41.7) 71 (48.3) 86 (47.0)
Duration of intensive phase (months, mean (95% CI)) 2.3 (2.0, 2.5) 2.1 (2.0, 2.2) 2.1 (2.1, 2.2) 0.048
Duration of continuation phase (months, mean (95% CI)) 5.1 (4.8, 5.5) 4.8 (4.6, 5.0) 4.9 (4.7, 5.0) 0.054
Treatment facility
 Government primary health care facility 4 (11.1) 15 (10.2) 19 (10.4) 0.126
 Government hospital 31 (86.1) 105 (71.4) 136 (74.3)
 Faith based health center or hospital 0 (0.0) 15 (10.2) 15 (8.2)
 Other 1 (2.8) 12 (8.2) 13 (7.1)
Mode of supervision for TB treatment: intensive phase
 Hospitalized 21 (100.0) 72 (94.7) 93 (95.9) 0.562
 Self-administered 0 (0.0) 2 (2.6) 2 (2.1)
 Unknown 0 (0.0) 2 (2.6) 2 (2.1)
Mode of supervision for TB treatment: continuation phase
 Hospitalized 0 (0.0) 2 (2.8) 2 (2.3) 0.609
 Self-administered 13 (86.7) 57 (80.3) 70 (81.4)
 Community-based DOT 1 (6.7) 10 (14.1) 11 (12.8)
 Facility-based DOT 1 (6.7) 1 (1.4) 2 (2.3)
 Unknown 0 (0.0) 1 (1.4) 1 (1.2)
Currently hospitalized
 No 15 (41.7) 73 (49.7) 88 (48.1) 0.390
 Yes 21 (58.3) 74 (50.3) 95 (51.9)
Previously hospitalized in the current phase
 No 30 (83.3) 117 (79.6) 147 (80.3) 0.613
 Yes 6 (16.7) 30 (20.4) 36 (19.7)
Number of days hospitalized in the current phase, mean (95% CI) 41.6 (33.6, 49.5) 43.6 (39.6, 47.7) 43.2 (39.7, 46.8) 0.647

Abbreviations: DOT Directly observed therapy; DST Drug susceptibility testing; DS TB Drug susceptible TB; EPTB Extra pulmonary TB; PTB Pulmonary TB; TB Tuberculosis. * P values compare the proportions of patients with the characteristic of interest, in the pulmonary and extra-pulmonary groups