Fig. 4.
Cdc42 effectors localize to the growing ends of PrESS cells. (A) In untreated cells, Scd1-3xGFP (i), Scd2-GFP (ii) and Myo52-tdTomato (iii) localize to the septum. When PrESS cells start to grow, all three disappear from the cell middle (arrowheads) and appear at the growing ends (asterisks). Maximum projections of Myo52-tdTomato and single planes of Scd1-3xGFP and Scd2-GFP are shown. For Scd1-3xGFP, images were taken every hour after LatA washout, and different cells are shown at each time point. Time-lapse imaging after LatA washout was performed for Scd2-GFP and Myo52-tdTomato. A different untreated Scd2-GFP or Myo52-tdTomato cell is shown while treated cells are the same cell over time. (B) Quantification of Scd2-GFP (i) and Myo52-tdTomato (ii) intensities at cell ends of non-PrESS and PrESS cells, normalized to the cell middle. n=6 cells. Scale bars: 5 μm.