Fig. 1.
Associations between early acetaminophen exposure and autistic autism spectrum condition (ASC) (a, c) and attention-deficit and hyperactivity (ADHD) symptoms (b, d) within the borderline/clinical range. Associations for prenatal (a, b) and postnatal (c, d) exposure are shown. Symptoms were assessed using parent and teacher reported questionnaires in all cohorts. Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) by cohort and overall estimate obtained from random-effects meta-analysis. Models were adjusted for maternal characteristics (education, age at delivery, pre-pregnancy body mass index, prenatal smoking, mental health during pregnancy, parity and alcohol consumption, fever and infections during pregnancy) and child’s characteristics (sex, age at the behavioural assessment). Postnatal models were further adjusted by child’s cold or respiratory infections. Models on postnatal exposure and ADHD symptoms were not possible to conduct in RHEA cohort (limited sample size)