Determination of TOF from current-time (I-t) traces obtained for dNMPs using a dual-nanopore TOF sensor. (a) An example overview plot of transient current measured when dCMP molecules were introduced into the dual-nanopore TOF sensor with a 0.5 μm-long nanochannel column and sub-10 nm dual-nanopores under a driving voltage of 3 V with a bandwidth of 10 kHz and a digital sampling rate of 250 ksps allowing for a time resolution of 35 μs. The baseline or open current of ~11.3 nA was subtracted from the measured current. Only 1 s of the trace is displayed for clarity; the entire data set spans over 600 s. The red, green, and orange horizontal lines indicate the overall baseline, the RMS noise level, and the detection threshold (e.g. 3 times the RMS noise of the baseline current trace), respectively. The red asterisks indicate paired peaks that were selected using the selection criteria described in the Supporting Information. The grey asterisks show the peaks whose amplitudes met the detection threshold but that did not meet the maximum TOF criterion, and thus were not selected as paired. (b) Example peak pairs. (c) A magnified transient current peak shown in (b). The peak amplitude was in the range of 0.8-2.5 nA. The dwell time at individual pores ranged from 0.18-0.58 ms.