Figure 2. Effect of HF diet and exercise on systemic markers of metabolism and inflammation.
A. HF diet increased body mass and percent body fat compared to CF sedentary animals. Exercise in CF animals reduced percent body fat and gonadal fat mass. B. In animals given wheel access, fasting blood glucose was elevated by a HF diet, but diet did not alter fasting blood glucose in sedentary animals. Exercise improved glucose tolerance in CF diet mice relative to HF diet mice as indicated by reduced glucose area under the curve (AUC). C. Gonadal fat pad stromal vascular fraction immune cells. Exercise in CF diet animals reduced adipose immune cells. HF diet increased fat inflammation by decreasing M2-like F4/80+, CD206+ cells and increasing M1-like F4/80+, CD11c+ cells. Exercise modestly reduced M1-like cells in HF diet mice. D. Serum adipokine, chemokine, and cytokine concentrations collected at the termination of the study. HF diet increased serum markers of leptin, IL-8, and IL-10, although exercise also altered leptin and IL-10. Bars = mean+/−sem. Bars not connected by the same letter are significantly different (Fisher’s LSD post-hoc test following p<0.05 2-Factor ANOVA).