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. 2021 Sep 6;2021(9):CD011556. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011556.pub2

Buffels 2006.

Study characteristics
Methods Design: Randomized controlled trial
Setting: General practices, Belgium
Recruitment: All patients screened for tobacco use
Participants 16 providers
1206 adults who smoked. Characteristics not described
Interventions Common components in both groups: general practitioners received a 4‐hour training in giving advice to quit smoking
• General practitioners received training in performance and interpretation of spirometry, using a microspirometer
• Participants received the minimal intervention strategy during a 12‐week period; those in a motivation stage 3 or 4 were asked to set a quit day and were offered a follow‐up contact as well as NRT and/or bupropion
• Participaents also underwent spirometry and were provided with lung function measurement values and their flow/volume curve
Control: participants received the minimal intervention strategy as described above but no spirometry
Outcomes Smoking abstinence (undefined) at 24m
Validation: Urinary cotinine (completed by 24.2% of self‐reported quitters) (cut‐off not reported)
Funding Source Unconditional grant by Voorzorgskas voor Geneesheren, Brussels, Belgium
Author's declarations of interest Not reported
Notes Strategy: Provider training, spirometry
Level: Provider, patient
Type: Active vs. active (isolates spirometry)
Unable to extract abstinence data for intervention group from full‐text. Attempt was made to contact authors unsuccessfully ‐ unable to include in meta‐analysis
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Sequence Generation Low risk Coin toss
Allocation concealment Unclear risk No details reported
Blinding of outcome assessors
All outcomes Unclear risk Smoking status was validated by urinary cotinine, but response rate was very low.
Incomplete outcome data
All outcomes Unclear risk No details reported