Fig. 8.
Overview of the metabolite profiling results. 1220 molecular features were detected from the brain samples collected at 1 dpi. When control group brain samples from the ischemic side (PI) were compared to the contralateral side (CL), we observed 414 significantly altered molecular features (x-axis showing reversed log p -values from this comparison). From these, 47 molecular features were significantly different between the ischemic side brain samples from HX600 treated animals and controls (top right quadrant). These molecular features in the top right quadrant were the ones where we observed an effect of both the ischemia and HX600 treatment. Molecular features in the bottom right quadrant were affected by the ischemia but not by the HX600 treatment, and molecular features in the top left quadrant were affected by the HX600 treatment but not by ischemia. CL = contralateral side brain sample, PI = ischemic side brain sample, HX600 = HX600 treated group, VEH = vehicle treated group, p = p-value from t-test. n = 6 mice in each group.