Figure 6. Exposure to healthy control but not ARDS BALF increases complement gene and protein but not coagulation cascade gene expression.
Complement genes (A) expressed by ARDS-exposed (n=5) and healthy control BALF (n=5) samples were compared to PBS-exposed hMSCs (n=4). Levels of complement secreted into the conditioned media by HC or ARDS BALF compared to PBS-exposed hMSCs are depicted in B-C. Two different hMSC donors were used. Abbreviations: HC, healthy control; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; TFP1, tissue factor. Coagulation cascade genes (D) expressed by ARDS-exposed (n=5) and healthy control BALF (n=5) samples were compared to PBS-exposed hMSCs (n=4). Gene expression data are presented as mean of log2 fold change. Complement (C3a) levels are depicted media with interquartile range.