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. 2021 Oct 18;10(5):372–380. doi: 10.4103/EUS-D-20-00261

Table 3.

Misclassification rates by subgroups in univariate analysis

Correct grading (%) Under grading (%) Over grading (%) P
Type of tumor
 Nonfunctioning (n=85) 74.1 11.8 14.1 0.9
 Functioning (n=27) 74.1 14.8 11.1
 Rigid (n=57) 75.4 15.8 8.8 0.79
 Soft (n=36) 77.8 8.3 13.9
EUS-contrast enhancement
 Hyper-enhancement (n=54) 76.0 12.9 11.1 0.12
 Iso/hypo-enhancement (n=16) 56.3 12.5 31.2
Necrosis at final histology
 No (n=102) 73.0 13.0 14.0 NA
 Yes (n=10) 100 0 0
 I (n=23) 69.6 8.7 21.7 0.22
 II (n=30) 76.7 13.3 10.0
 III (n=31) 80.6 19.4 0
 IV (n=10) 70.0 10.0 20.0
Delay from EUS to surgery
 1 quartile (0–48.75) 71.4 10.7 17.9 0.78
 2 quartile (48.76–74.5) 71.4 14.3 14.3
 3 quartile (74.51–132) 71.4 14.3 14.3
 4 quartile (>132) 82.1 14.3 3.6

aBergsland EK, Woltering EA, Rindo G. Neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas. In: AJCC cancer staging manual, 8th, Amin MB (Ed), AJCC, Chicago 2017. p. 407. NA: Not available; AJCC: American joint committee on cancer