Figure 6.
Bioprinted constructs were implanted in vivo for two weeks in an isolated chamber that housed an AV loop and transected femoral nerve. (A) The 3D-printed chambers comprised of a base on which the bioprinted grid was positioned, along with a lid that held the contents in place. An opening in the chamber wall allowed for entry and exit of the neurovascular bundle. Perforations in the base allowed for flow of cell media while in tissue culture conditions. (B,C) Chambers were positioned in a subcutaneous pocket in the left groin of the rat. Vein grafts were harvested from the right femoral vein to create the AV loop. (D) The AV loop and transected femoral nerve was placed on top of the bioprinted muscle grid. BM = bioprinted muscle, AVL = arteriovenous loop, FN = femoral nerve, IL = ilioinguinal ligament. (E) Muscle construct two weeks after in vivo implantation.