SMS-CASI Use Before and After Hurricane Maria
Participant IDs | Study Enrollment Date | Number of SMS-CASI Completions in Days 08/20/17–09/19/17 | Number of SMS-CASI Completions in Days 09/20/17–10/20/17 | Study Completion Date | Date of First Response on or After Hurricane Maria | Number of Days After Hurricane Maria Until First Response | Randomized Condition |
w1012 | 05/16/17 | 28 | 15 | 11/15/18 | 09/26/17 | 7 | Intervention |
w1098 | 07/14/17 | 19 | 10 | N/A | 09/28/17 | 7 | Intervention |
w1100 | 07/13/17 | 27 | 20 | N/A | 09/27/17 | 8 | Intervention |
w1151 | 08/21/17 | 31 | 30 | 11/06/18 | 09/21/17 | 1 | Intervention |
w1173 | 10/04/17 | N/A | 17 | 01/09/18 | 10/04/17 | 0 | Intervention |
w954 | 03/01/17 | 12 | N/A | 09/01/18 | N/A | N/A | Intervention |
w968 | 03/07/17 | 19 | N/A | 09/13/18 | N/A | N/A | Intervention |
w988 | 05/05/17 | 21 | 12 | N/A | 10/06/17 | 16 | Intervention |
w993 | 03/31/17 | 30 | 19 | 11/01/17 | 09/28/17 | 9 | Intervention |
x1058 | 05/26/18 | 6 | N/A | 08/31/17 | N/A | N/A | Control |
x1122 | 07/05/18 | 32 | 7 | 10/05/17 | 09/30/17 | 10 | Control |
x1171 | 09/18/17 | 3 | 27 | 12/19/17 | 09/20/17 | 0 | Control |
Total | 228 | 157 | 58 |