Results of Mantel test and principal-coordinate analysis. (A) Mantel test of the relationship between Nei’s genetic distance for microsatellite markers (NeiP) and geographical distance (GGD). (B) Principal-coordinate analysis of the mean population haploid genetic distance between nine geographical populations (greenhouses). (C) Principal-coordinate analysis of the mean population haploid genetic distance between 12 geographical populations. AM, America; SA, South Asia; EA, East Asia; MA, middle Asia; Af, Africa; SE, south Europe; ME, middle Europe; NE, north Europe; WE, west Europe; Oc, Oceanica; UN, unclear regions; YC, Yunnan, China. (D) Principal-coordinate analysis between 13 geographical populations in the world. NZL, New Zealand; BEL, Belgium; CAN, Canada; CMR, Cameroon; FRA, France; DEU, Germany; IND, India; NLD, Netherlands; NOR, Norway; ESP, Spain; CHE, Switzerland; USA, United States; CHN, China (Yunnan).