SA |
The Same Attention block. |
DA |
The Down Attention block. |
UA |
The Up Attention block. |
The pixel patch query tensor. |
The pixel patch key tensor. |
The pixel patch value tensor. |
The convolution operator with kernel size =
, stride = 1 and output
channel feature maps. |
The particular query patch tensor. |
The transpose of particular key patch tensor. |
The channel query tensor. |
The channel key tensor. |
The channel value tensor. |
The generator of channel query tensor. |
The memory slot matrix. |
The number of memory slot. |
The dimension of each memory item. |
The hash addressing matrix. |
The hash mapping function. |
The encoding latent representation of input. |
The similarity coefficients of cosine. |
The hamming distance. |
The similarity coefficients of hamming distance. |
The mean square error loss. |
The Wasserstein (Earth-Mover) distance loss. |