Figure 2.
Task-specific changes and functional ROIs. Task effects were obtained with functional PET (fPET), arterial spin labeling (ASL) and blood oxygenation (BOLD). The presented maps depict group t-maps of the contrasts hard vs rest for fPET and ASL (a and b) and hard vs control for BOLD (c), all pFWE<0.05 corrected cluster level, height threshold of p < 0.001 uncorrected voxel level. For a robust analysis of the test-retest reliability, ROIs were determined with a conjunction analysis across all three modalities (intersection, d), revealing overlapping task changes in the frontal eye field (blue), intraparietal sulcus (pink), occipital cortex (green) and supplementary motor area (SMA, red). We focused on large, robust clusters (>500 voxels) therefore, analysis of the SMA was omitted. The slices z = 4 and z = 56 are presented in MNI space.