FIG 5.
Dose-dependent relocalization of Cp expressed from LJ144, an env− genomic clone. (a) As with pTruf-HBc Cp plasmid expression, Cp expressed from LJ144 genomic clone demonstrated a dose-dependent redistribution from nucleolus/nucleus to the cytoplasm. With increase in the amount of plasmid transfected, the total number of cells with nucleolar-localized Cp decreased with the concomitant increase in cells with cytoplasmic Cp. (b) At least 100 immunofluorescent cells were counted and categorized based on their Cp localization as follows: NoL, nucleolus; N, nucleus; C, cytoplasm; N > C, predominantly nuclear-localized Cp with either weak or no localization in the cytoplasm; N = C, Cp localized equally well in both nucleus and cytoplasm; and C > N, predominantly cytoplasmic Cp with weak or no localization in the nucleus (the number in parentheses in each of these distributions denotes the percentage of cells that also had nucleolar Cp). Tot NoL cells denotes the percentage of cells that had nucleolar-localized Cp. (c) The amount of Cp expressed in cells was roughly proportional to the amount of plasmid transfected. The ratio of Cp to tubulin signal is denoted below the blot as a readout on Cp production.