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. 2021 Oct 22;27(4):10.7196/AJTCCM.2021.v27i4.173. doi: 10.7196/AJTCCM.2021.v27i4.173

Table 2. Major elements of a ‘package of control’ approach to infection prevention and control for airborne infections in healthcare facilities.

Category Details or examples
Administrative Examples include triage and separation of people with infectious or potentially infectious TB, COVID-19, and/or influenza, etc.
Environmental E.g., ensuring good ventilation (minimum 6 - 12 air changes per hour equivalent), minimising crowding, and using UVGI.
Personal protection Using high quality PPE as appropriate (e.g., respirators, eye protection, gloves, aprons).
Additional measures to reduce transmission between clinic attendees and from clinic attendees to HWs. E.g., face coverings for all individuals attending health facilities (source control), physical distancing, and hand hygiene
Additional measures to reduce transmission between HWs. Attention to IPC in non-clinical areas such as staff canteens, rest areas, and changing rooms
Additional measures to reduce transmission to and from HWs outside of healthcare facilities. HWs trained to maintain precautions outside of health facilities. For example, during use of public transport; by minimising time spent in poorly ventilated, densely occupied areas; and by maintaining physical distancing, hand hygiene, and use of face coverings.
Longer term measures to strengthen systems and reduce risks of transmission. Respiratory protection programmes; surveillance for healthcare-associated infections; monitoring/audit of IPC practices with feedback*

TB = tuberculosis

COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019

UVGI = ultraviolet germicidal irradiation

HW = health worker

PPE = personal protective equipment

IPC = infection prevention and control

* See ‘core components of IPC programmes’ in 2019 WHO TB IPC guidelines.[20]