Table 1.
Influence of sex hormones on some cells and cytokines of the immune response.
Hormone | Regulation | References |
17β-estradiol | ↑TCD8+ from spleen and in vitro. ↑ maturation and activation of B lymphocytes, ↓Ig2a in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and spleen cells. ↓TNF-α, ↑IFN-γ e ↑IL-10 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, spleen, and in vitro. Peritoneal Mφ ↑, TLR4 in vitro. ↑DCs ↑IL-12 in bone marrow, in vivo. Inhibits apoptosis by TNF-α via PI3k/Akt in neural progenitor cells. ↓IL-1β and TNF-α in bone marrow. [↓E2] ↑Th1, [↑E2] ↑Th2 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro. |
[75] [76, 77] [78, 79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] |
| ||
Progesterone | ↓Mφ, DCs, and NKs in peripheral blood mononuclear cells ↓NFκB transduction. ↑Th2, ↑IL-4 e ↑IL-5, ↑Tregs, and ↓TH17 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. |
[85] [86] [87, 88] |
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Testosterona | ↓LB, ↑apoptosis in bone marrow and lymph nodes. ↑TCD8+ in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. ↑Mφ, ↑TNF-α, ↑CCR2, ↑[IL-10], and ↓IFN-γ in skin and spleen. Mφ, ↑IL-12 e ↑IL-1β in vitro. DCs ↓TNF-α, nitric oxide, TLR-4. ↓IgG e IgM, peripheral blood mononuclear cells. ↑TGF-β e ↑IGFs ↑bone apposition, ↓ IL-6 osteoclastogenesis. |
[89] [90] [91, 92] [93] [94, 95] [96] [97, 98] |