Flowchart showing the allocation of the enrolled patient population within each experimental procedure. (A) Among the 104 enrolled patients, 30 were CCS and 74 were NSTE-ACS; (B) The analysis of distribution of circulating monocyte subsets was performed according to CD14 and CD16 expression on 30 CCS and 69 NSTE-ACS patients; (C) 5 new NSTE-ACS patients were enrolled to characterize a novel monocyte subpopulation; (D) 21 of the 69 NSTE-ACS patients underwent OCT investigation and OCT-MØI assessment, resulting in 8 IFC and 13 RFC, respectively; (E) Lastly, 5 CCS and 10 NSTE-ACS patients of the 30 CCS and 69 NSTE-ACS, respectively, were employed for the in vitro LPS-treatment and cytokine multiplex assay. CCS, chronic coronary syndrome, IFC, intact fibrous cap; LPS, lipopolysaccharides; MØI, machrophage infiltration; NSTE-ACS, non ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome; PBMCs, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; RFC, ruptured fibrous cap; w/o, without; w/with. Art images from