Fig. 2. Ab1245 binds the gp120-gp41 interface.
a Representation of Ab1245-BG505-8ANC195 structure. Fabs are shown in cartoon, BG505 is shown as surface, and glycans are shown as sticks. Within BG505, gp120 is light gray and gp41 is dark gray. The Ab1245 VH-VL is dark pink (heavy chain) and light pink (light chain); 8ANC195 Fabs are dark green (heavy chain) and light green (light chain). b Side view (left) and view looking up from the trimer base (right) of density map for 3.7 Å Ab1245-BG505-8ANC195 complex. Colors as in (a). c Close-up view of Ab1245 VH-VL domains (cartoon) interacting with gp120-gp41 interface with highlighted CDRH3 (cyan). N-linked glycans are light gray (gp120), dark gray (gp41), or yellow (N88gp120 and N241gp120 glycans) spheres. d Cartoon representation of VRC34-AMC011 SOSIP structure (PDB 6NC3) from the same view as c (left) and a different view from above the trimer (right). VRC34 heavy and light chains (PDB 6NC3) are dark and light purple, respectively.