Fig. 2. Numerical simulation of the CTRW, i.e., Brownian motion with power-law waiting times.
The simulations were performed for α = 0.7 and 10,000 realizations were obtained. a The MSD shows subdiffusive behavior 〈x2(t)〉 ~ tα, while a linear regression of vs. indicates 〈x2(t)〉 ~ t0.69. The times and displacements are unitless, i.e., the simulation sampling time is 1. b PSD at five different measurement times exhibits aging. The power law asymptotic S ~ ω−2 is indicated with a dashed line. The arrow shows the decay in the PSD with measurement time tm. c The amplitude A(tm) of the PSD, where 〈S〉 = A(tm)/ω2, shows , highlighting the aging effect, in excellent agreement with theory which predicts .