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. 2021 Oct 8;108(10):2006–2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2021.08.003

Table 1.

Bi-allelic variants in SPATA5L1 cause a neurodevelopmental disorder featuring intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and hearing loss

Family Family 1 Family 2 Family 3 Family 4 Family 5 Family 6 Family 7 Family 8 Family 9
Patient 1 (proband) 3 (proband) 5 6 7 8 9 10 (proband) 13
cDNA (GenBank: NM_024063.3) c.1304_1305del (pat.); c.121G>C (mat.) c.734T > A (pat.); c.1398T>G (mat.) c.1A>T (pat.); c.2066G>T (mat.) c.515C>A (pat.); c.196G>T (mat.) c.1973G>A (pat.); c.2176_2177del (mat.) c.76A>G (pat.); c.1079T>C (mat.) c.1556C>A (hom.) c.1199C>T (hom.) c.1676delC (pat.); c.1682T>C (mat.)
Protein (GenBank: NP_076968.2) p.Ile435Argfs4 (pat.); p.Ala41Pro (mat.) p.Val245Glu (pat.); p.Ile466Met (mat.) p.Met1? (pat.); p.Gly689Val (mat.) p.Pro172His (pat.); p.Asp66Tyr (mat.) p.Arg658Lys (pat.); p.Val726Lysfs13 (mat.) p.Thr26Ala (pat.); p.Phe360Ser (mat.) p.Ala519Asp (hom.) p.Thr400Ile (hom.) p.Ala559Glufs33 (pat.); p.Leu561Ser (mat.)
Ancestry Iraqi European, with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry American; mat. ethnicity, Italian; pat. ethnicity, Italian and Afro-American mixed European Spanish African American Turkish Kazakh mixed, Eastern European, and Scandinavian
Sex male male female male male female female female male
Age at diagnosis first year of life 32 months 27 months 23 years 4 months 9–12 months 5 years 7 months 1 month
Hearing impairment + + + + + + + + +
Spasticity + + + + +
Dystonia / hypotonia + / − + / + − / + − / N/A − / + N/A / − + / − + / + − / +
Pattern spastic quadriplegia N/A spastic quadriplegia N/A N/A N/A spastic-dystonic tetraparesis spastic quadriplegia spastic quadriplegia
Microcephaly (HC) + (acq., 47 cm at 6 years) + (acq., 46 cm at 3 years) + (acq., 45 cm at 1 year) + (27 cm at birth) + (45 cm at 6 years)
DD / ID + profound DD + global DD + global DD + severe DD + profound DD + + severe DD + profound DD / ID + profound DD
Epilepsy + + + + + +
Dysmorphic features + + +
Visual impairment cortical visual blindness cortical visual impairment N/A severe cortical visual impairment probable cortical blindness severe impairment
MRI findings progressive CO and CB volume loss; thin CC; periventricular T2 hyperintensities; subtle GP hyperintensity bilaterally concern for delayed myelination delayed myelination; thin CC CC lipoma, otherwise normal normal thin CC; enlarged 4th ventricle; mega cisterna magna; possible brainstem hypoplasia; possible delayed myelination profound cortical atrophy with predominant reduction of the white matter; cerebellum and brainstem normal paucity of periventricular WM bilaterally with patchy confluent T2 hyperintensity; thin CC; generalized CO atrophy normal (age 14 months); repeat MRI showed diminished cortical volume
Family Family 10 Family 11 Family 12 Family 13 Family 14 Family 15 Family 16 Family 17 Family 18
Patient 14 15 16 (proband) 18 19 20 21 22 (proband) 25
cDNA (GenBank: NM_024063.3) c.190C>T; c.1826C>G c.85T>G (hom.) c.1199C>T (pat.); c.1090−2A>G (mat.) c.2066G>T (pat.); c.527G>T (mat.) c.527G>T (pat.); c.2006T>G (mat.) c.527G>T; c.1199C>T c.213T>G; c.1313T>C (hom.) c.1091T>A (pat.); c.1918C>T (mat.) c.1648_1649insC; c.2066G>T
Protein (GenBank: NP_076968.2) p.Arg64Trp; p.Ser609 p.Cys29Gly (hom.) p.Thr400Ile (pat.); p.? (mat.) p.Gly689Val (pat.); p.Gly176Val (mat.) p.Gly176Val (pat.); p.Met669Arg (mat.) p.Gly176Val; p.Thr400Ile p.Phe71Leu (hom.); p.Leu438Pro (hom.) p.Val364Glu (pat.); p.Arg640 (mat.) p.Phe550Serfs16; p.Gly689Val
Ancestry African American Turkish European (German) Italian European (German) German Arabian German Italian
Sex male male male male female male male male male
Age at diagnosis 3 months 14 months 5 years 5 years, 6 months 2–3 months 15 years, 6 months 8 weeks 14 years, 9 months 5 months
Hearing impairment + + + + + + + + +
Spasticity + + + + + + + +
Dystonia / hypotonia + / + + / − + / + + / + + / + + / + + / + + / + + / +
Pattern spastic quadriplegia quadriparesis spastic quadriplegia spastic quadriplegia spastic quadriplegia hypotonic dystonic spastic quadriplegia hypotonic dystonic spastic quadriplegia hypotonic dystonic spastic quadriplegia hypotonic dystonic spastic quadriplegia
Microcephaly (HC) + + (34 cm at birth) + (acq.) + (cong.) + (−2 SD at 1 year) + (32 cm at birth) + (48 cm at 6 years)
DD / ID + profound global DD + + profound global DD + severe ID + severe ID + profound global DD + profound global DD + profound global DD + profound global DD
Epilepsy + + + + + + +
Dysmorphic features + N/A + +
Visual impairment mild myopia N/A severe impairment severe impairment severe impairment central visual impairment
MRI findings diffusely diminished CO volumes; ex vacuo dilatation LV; delayed myelination; thin CC bilateral peritrigonal hyperintensity diminished CO volume; periventricular WM hyperintensity ventricle enlargement (slight); WM hyperintensity diffuse slightly diminished CO volume; thin CC; lactate peak visualized on MRS (2 years) mildly diminished CO volume; mildly atrophic BG; delayed myelination of the CC mega cisterna magna; embryonic variant posterior cerebral artery normal (11 months); slightly enlarged ventricles (19 months); no progression of ventricular enlargement (25 months); delayed myelination, thin CC (4.5 years) brain hypomyelination; diffuse slight brain atrophy

Abbreviations: CO, cortical; CB, cerebellar; CC, corpus callosum; DD, developmental delay; ID, intellectual disability; GP, globus pallidus; WM, white matter; BG, basal ganglia; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy; mat., maternal; pat., paternal; hom., homozygous; +, clinical feature detected; −, clinical feature not observed; N/A, no information provided for clinical feature; SD, standard deviation; p, percentile; acq., acquired postnatally; cong., congenital; HC, head circumference. T2 is an MRI signal acquisition parameter.