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. 2021 Oct 12;12:717178. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.717178


Effect of water regimes on kernel filling components of maize hybrids in Expt. 1.

Treatments Maximum water content (mg kernel1) Kernel water loss rate (mg kernel1 day1) Kernel filling duration (days) Kernel filling rate (mg day1)
Water regimes
D1 225.10a 3.06c 72a 4.84b
D2 214.80b 3.98b 70b 4.94ab
D3 206.62c 4.11b 68c 4.38c
D4 209.41c 4.16b 65d 4.99ab
D5 215.21b 5.77a 61e 5.36a
LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 5.040 0.482 1.637 0.418
Pioneer 30B80 193.00c 4.54a 65b 4.45b
NK 40 236.50a 4.27b 70a 5.52a
Suwan 4452 213.21b 3.83c 66b 4.74b
LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 6.272 0.251 1.511 0.292
Interaction effect of water regimes and hybrids
Pioneer 30B80 202.50ghi 3.52de 70cd 4.15hi
NK 40 250.91a 3.13de 75ab 5.78ab
Suwan 4452 221.90cdef 2.54fg 72bc 4.60efghi
Pioneer 30B80 198.11hij 4.87c 63e 5.11bcdef
NK 40 233.60bc 4.83c 76a 5.45abc
Suwan 4452 212.70efgh 2.23g 71cd 4.26ghi
Pioneer 30B80 186.40f 3.56de 62ef 3.89i
NK 40 225.40cde 3.04ef 68d 4.93cdefg
Suwan 4452 208.12fgh 5.72b 73abc 4.31ghi
Pioneer 30B80 190.50ij 5.33bc 68d 4.40fghi
NK 40 228.82cd 3.74d 70cd 5.43abc
Suwan 4452 208.91fgh 3.40de 57g 5.15bcde
Pioneer 30B80 187.30ij 5.43bc 63e 4.69defgh
NK 40 243.73ab 6.62a 62ef 6.03a
Suwan 4452 214.62defg 5.27bc 59fg 5.36abcd
LSD (P ≤ 0.05) 14.02 0.562 3.378 0.901
CV (%) 3.84 7.81 2.95 7.82

FC, field capacity; PM, physiological maturity.

Treatment abbreviated as in Figure 3.

Means in each column with the same letter are not significantly different from each other at p ≤ 0.05.