SERCA2-KO mice exhibit unique alterations in global cardiac electrophysiology. Telemetered ECG recordings from 8 animals in each group were first analyzed for steady state characteristics from periods exhibiting only normal sinus activation sequence (A,B). KO mice showed increased QRS width (A, left), and marked increases in T-wave amplitude and duration (B). (C) Typical sinus waveforms recorded from FF and KO animals. Ectopic activity was also analyzed (D), and KO animals surprisingly exhibited a reduced frequency of total ectopy (PVC frequency, top left), and a trend for fewer runs of non-sustained VT (bottom left), during Epi challenge. All panels: †p < 0.1 KO vs. FF, *p < 0.05 KO vs. FF, **p < 0.01 KO vs. FF, ***p < 0.001 KO vs. FF. Data are means ± SEM.