Fig. 6.
SOCS3 agonist inhibited laser-induced CNV. SOCS3 agonist (Naringenin) treatment (a-b) (n=62-63) lesions/group) and SOCS3 peptide mimic treatment (c-d) (n=40 lesions/group) on wild type mice significantly reduced laser-induced CNV (labeled by isolectin, red). *, p<0·05, ****, p<0·0001 (unpaired nonparametric Mann-Whitney Test). (c) A schematic diagram illustrates pathological CNV in the subretinal space controlled by SOCS3 through modulating myeloid lineage-derived macrophage/microglia recruitment, proinflammatory factor secretion, and possibly myeloid lineage-derived EC-like cells. Scale bar: 200µm in (a and c, top) and 50µm in (a and c, bottom).