Quercetin inhibits M. xanthus T4P assembly. (A) Dot blot analysis of M. xanthus fractions using anti-pilin antibodies. The T4P fraction contains the assembled T4P that has been sheared off. The pilin fraction is from cells with their T4P sheared off, and the WC (whole-cell) fraction is the lysate of cells with their T4P intact. Four aliquots of the same sample were spotted onto a nitrocellulose membrane in a column and processed for the dot blot assay. Shown here is one representative from multiple experiments with similar results. (B) Quantification of signals from different fractions on dot blots. Shown are the results from three independent experiments, each represented by dots of the same color. At each quercetin concentration, there are four dots of the same color, representing values of quadruplet samples. A linear trend line based on the averages is drawn for visualization purposes. Asterisks indicate that the signals at the specified concentrations of quercetin are statistically different from the control without quercetin, with a P value of <0.05.