Heatmap visualization of growth behavior of potential mutant L. plantarum strains versus their reference strain NZ3400B in modified MRS medium (single combination of MRS with acetate [50 mM], butyrate [30 mM], or propionate [30 mM]). Symbols are as follows: (i) “Adaptation” indicates strain origin from immobilized or planktonic adaptation trials; (ii) “Reactor” describes the general experiment type for long-term planktonic adaptation (TR2) and the repetition of planktonic adaptation in TR1 (period 1) and TR1 (period 2); (iii) “Isolation” indicates biofilm/time point of isolation (early or late) of a strain during the adaptation cycles. Heatmap colors stand for measured ΔOD600nm values after 24 h. The black triangle represents growth of L. plantarum NZ3400B. Ac, acetate; P, propionate; B, butyrate.