Extended Data Fig. 2. Entire fragility heatmap of seizures in successful and failed surgical outcomes.
Entire fragility heatmap of seizures in successful and failed surgical outcomes - Fragility heatmaps with electrodes on y-axis and time on x-axis with the dashed white-lines denoting seizure onset and offset. Shows a period of 30 seconds before seizure onset and 30 seconds after seizure offset. (a) Shows clinically annotated maps of the implanted ECoG/SEEG electrodes with red denoting SOZ contacts. (b) shows spatiotemporal fragility heatmaps for example of successful outcome (Patient_01), and failed outcome (Patient_26 and Patient_40). The color scale represents the amplitude of the normalized fragility metric, with closer to 1 denoting fragile regions and closer to 0 denoting relatively stable regions. The contacts in red and orange are part of the SOZ and RZ, respectively as defined in Methods section. Note that the red contacts are also part of the RZ. Within the seizures, estimating the linear systems are not as stable, which can be seen by fragility “everywhere” in the map. Visualized with Turbo continuous colormap. Best seen if viewed in color.