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. 2021 Oct 26;41(11):e00122-21. doi: 10.1128/MCB.00122-21


Effect of Hsp104 on the aggregation of HttpolyQ fragmentsa

Construct Condition(s) % of cells with foci % of cells with >10 foci per cell
Htt-Q103 9 h Gal >95 90
Htt-Q103 9 h Gal+Gdn >70 5
Htt-Q103 6 h Gal+Gdn, 3 h Gal >95 70
Htt-Q103P 9 h Gal >95 80
Htt-Q103P 9 h Gal+Gdn >78 3
Htt-Q103P 6 h Gal+Gdn, 3 h Gal >80 12

Experiments were performed in triplicates under each condition. A total of 350 cells were counted for each sample. Gal, galactose; Gdn, guanidine.