Figure S3. Short interspersed nuclear element (SINE) mutant mice perform like WT littermates in most behavioural tests.
Data shown are means (±SEM) from 19 SINE KO mice and 26 WT controls. (A) Locomotor activity, vertical rearing, and time spent in the center region during a 1-h open field test. (B) Sociability and social novelty preference during a three-chamber choice test. Data are means (+SEM) for 10-min tests. Sociability: males, effect of side (F[1,26] = 50.99, P < 0.0001); WT, ****P < 0.0001; SINE KO, **P = 0.0061; females, effect of side (F[1,14] = 51.94, P < 0.0001); WT, **P = 0.0015; SINE KO, ***P = 0.0004. Social novelty: males, effect of side (F[1,25] = 33.27, P < 0.0001); WT, ***P = 0.0007; SINE KO, **P = 0.0026. Data were lost for one male SINE KO mouse for social novelty because of computer failure. (C) Contextual learning in a conditioned fear test. Mice were evaluated in a 5-min test 24 h after training. The second context test was conducted 2 wk after the first test. (D) Cue-dependent learning in a conditioned fear test. Mice were evaluated in a 5-min test for cue learning (Test 1) 48 h after training. Levels of freezing were measured during the tone, presented 2 min after mice were placed in the modified conditioned fear chambers. Test 2 was conducted 2 wk after the first test. (E) Marble-burying assay (30 min) for exploratory digging, buried food test (15 min maximum) for olfactory function, and hot plate test (30 s maximum) for thermal sensitivity. Data were removed for the buried food test for one WT male that did not find the reward. (F) Escape latencies in the Morris water maze. Mice were first evaluated in a 2-d visible platform test, followed by a 9-d hidden platform test. Data are means (±SEM) of four trials per day.