Fig. 4. Activation of stromal Hh signalling reduces tumour burden and CAC progression.
Activation of stromal Hh signalling inhibits the initiation and progression of CAC by increasing stromal anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and CD4 + Foxp3+regulatory T cells. The Hh activator SAG21k can decrease colitis severity and CAC burden. Administration of the Hh antagonist, vismodegib, can facilitate CAC formation. Additionally, activated stromal Hh signalling reduces the tumour burden and tumour progression in mouse CAC models partly by reducing secreted BMP inhibitors such as Gremlin 1 (Grem1) and Noggin (Nog), and by restricting cancer stem cell (CSC) features. Arrows and blunt-ended lines indicate activation and inhibition, respectively. Hh Hedgehog, IL-10 interleukin-10, Nog Noggin, Grem1 Gremlin, BMP bone morphogenetic protein.