Acoustic characteristics over age and sex classes in B6 male and female pairs of mice and in Shank3−/− female pairs. Spectrograms of six examples of USVs in (A) B6 males, (B) B6 females, and (C)
Shank3−/− females aged 3 months (1,024 FFT points, 1.7 ms time resolution, Hamming window, 50% overlap). Comparisons of the duration of the USVs (D), number of frequency modulations per USV (E), and harsh index of the USVs (F) between males and females at 5 weeks (males: 630 USVs, females: 7,167 USVs), 3 months (males 688 USVs, females: 26,357 USVs) and 7 months (males: 241 USVs, females: 33,954 USVs) of age in B6 mice (Linear Mixed Model with sex as fixed factor and pair as random factor). Comparisons of the duration of USVs (G), the number of frequency modulations per USV (H), the number of frequency jumps (I), the frequency at the beginning of the USV (J), and the mean power of USVs (K) between B6 females (26,357 USVs, purple) and Shank3−/− females (33,162 USVs, green) aged 3 months (Linear Mixed Model with genotype as fixed factor and pair as random factor). ns, not significant; uncorrected p-values: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. None of the tests survived a correction for multiple testing.