possible interconnected pathways for the movements of heme
in cells, and the links to signaling gases such as CO and NO. From
the total heme synthesized in the cell (top), a proportion is bound
irreversibly to heme-binding housekeeping proteins (red circles) that
are essential for cell survival. A body of exchangeable heme is envisaged
as being mostly weakly bound, soon after heme biosynthesis, to heme-binding
partners (dark gray pacmans in this and other figures, which could
be heme proteins or non-heme proteins) and available for exchange
to heme dependent regulatory proteins (R, right). These heme-binding
partners constitute an exchangeable, buffered, reservoir that can
provide a flexible supply of heme and protect against changes in heme
concentration. Once formed, these heme-bound proteins can serve in
regulatory roles by, for example, binding to DNA for transcriptional
control (top right; including the regulation of heme biosynthesis17,21,28,37,192−194) or to ion channels
(middle and bottom right54,195). In green circles
are shown the proteins that produce cell signaling gases—nitric
oxide synthase (NOS, left) and heme oxygenase (NOS, middle). The synthesis
of NO by NOS, and the production of CO by the heme degrading HO enzyme,
adds multiple layers of complexity by coupling the formation of cell
signaling gases to the heme-binding process. This would allow both
CO and NO to bind to any heme protein with a regulatory function (bottom
right) but could equally well occur for other heme dependent regulatory
processes. It is worth noting that, while the binding of π-acid
ligands like CO is traditionally associated exclusively with heme
in its ferrous form, ferric heme has also been shown capable of binding
CO/NO.41 For the purposes of this review,
movement of ferric/ferrous heme is presumed to mean heme b.