The effect of NaCl on the seedling growth and root growth of salt-tolerant (cv. Morex, DH 187, DH198) and salt-sensitive (cv. Steptoe, DH14, DH43) accessions of the Steptoe × Morex mapping population. (a,b) Salt tolerance was recorded as indicated by biomass production of the third leaf. The data represent the means of 17–20 plants per treatment, with the standard error shown as error bars. Bars filled with dots indicate salt-sensitive accessions, while bars filled with stripes represent tolerant ones. (c) Representative photographical images of control plants and plants under salt stress from DH187 and DH14. (d) Specific features of root architecture including branches, ends, and crossing points were measured in distinct circular segments centered on the root base. Values refer to the distance from the root base in mm (from 20 to 140). Mean values are shown in a color code representation. Blue indicates high numbers, while beige represents low values.