Table 1.
χ2 | df | CFI | TLI | RMSEA | Δχ2 | Δdf | |
1. Hypothesized eight-factor solution | 1373.00* | 663 | .92 | .91 | .05 | – | – |
2. Seven-factor solution, combining T1 AOC and T3 AOC | 1653.69* | 670 | .88 | .87 | .06 | 280.69* | 7 |
3. Seven-factor solution, combining T1 LMX-C and T2 LMX-C | 1498.81* | 670 | .90 | .89 | .05 | 125.81* | 7 |
4. Seven-factor solution, combining T1 laissez-faire leadership and T2 LMX-C | 1581.26* | 670 | .89 | .88 | .06 | 208.25* | 7 |
5. Seven-factor solution, combining T1 RSC and CSC | 1611.18* | 670 | .89 | .88 | .06 | 238.18* | 7 |
6. Seven-factor solution, combining T1 RSC and ISC | 2162.32* | 670 | .82 | .81 | .07 | 789.32* | 7 |
7. Seven-factor solution, combining T2 LMX-C and T3 AOC | 1549.96* | 670 | .90 | .89 | .05 | 176.96* | 7 |
8. Six-factor solution, combining T1 LMX-C with T2 LMX-C, and T1 AOC with T3 AOC | 1774.96* | 676 | .87 | .86 | .06 | 401.96* | 13 |
9. Six-factor solution, combining all self-concept variables | 2402.76* | 676 | .80 | .78 | .08 | 1029.75* | 13 |
10. One-factor solution, combining all variables | 6102.10* | 694 | .36 | .32 | .13 | 4729.10* | 31 |
N = 449, based on full information maximum likelihood estimation. df, degrees of freedom; CFI, comparative fit index; TLI, Tucker-Lewis index; RMSEA, root mean square error of approximation; T1, time 1; T2, time 2; T3, time 3; AOC, affective organizational commitment; LMX-C, leader-member exchange, contribution dimension; RSC, relational self-concept; CSC, collective self-concept; ISC, individual self-concept
*p < .01