(A) Experimental timeline. Rats were trained to self-administer cocaine (SA) in a distinct context, and their lever responding was then extinguished (EXT) in a different context. On post-cocaine day 8, rats were re-exposed to the cocaine-paired context for 15 min to elicit memory reactivation (MR). They then received bilateral intra-BLA vehicle (VEH) or antalarmin (Anta, 500 ng/0.5 μL per hemisphere) infusions. Cocaine-seeking behavior was assessed in the cocaine-paired context (Test) three days later, after at least two additional daily extinction training sessions in the extinction context. The schematic illustrates cannula placements in experiment 1. (B) Active-lever responses (mean ± SEM) in males (n = 5–6/group) in the cocaine-paired (COC) context during the MR session (before treatment) and upon first re-exposure to the extinction (EXT) and COC contexts at test (after treatment). (C) Time-course of active-lever responses (mean ± SEM) in males in the COC context at test. (D) Active-lever responses (mean ± SEM) in females (n = 6–7/group) in the COC context during the MR session (before treatment) and upon first re-exposure to the EXT and COC contexts at test (after treatment). (E) Time-course of active-lever responses (mean ± SEM) in females in the COC context at test. (F) Inactive-lever responses (mean ± SEM) in males (upper panel) and females (lower panel) in the COC context during the MR session (before treatment) and upon first re-exposure to the EXT and COC contexts at test (after treatment). (G) Active-lever responses (mean ± SEM; collapsed across sex based on the lack of sex effects; n = 12/group) in the COC context during the MR session (before treatment) and upon first re-exposure to the EXT and COC contexts at test (after treatment). (H) Time-course of active-lever responses (mean ± SEM; collapsed across sex based on the lack of sex effects) in the COC context at test. Symbols: Asterisks indicate difference from vehicle treatment, *ANOVA treatment simple main effect or main effect collapsed across testing context (Panel D). Pound signs indicate difference from the extinction context, #ANOVA context main effect collapsed across treatment. Double daggers indicate difference from subsequent training sessions, ‡ ANOVA time main effect collapsed across treatment, ‡time simple-main effect in a treatment group, Tukey’s test. All ps < 0.05.