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. 2019 Dec 4;26(8):4464–4474. doi: 10.1038/s41380-019-0619-6

Table 2.

Region of interest analysis of the effects of working memory encoding and working memory retrieval in all male healthy volunteers (N = 20) and male patients with first episode psychosis (N = 20) who had PET and fMRI when controlling for age, sex and frame-wise displacement.

Group Contrast ROI H MNI coordinates F Z CS p*
Healthy volunteers vs. patients Encoding: main effect of group Bilateral hippocampus R 26 –8 –20 12.50 3.27 2 0.039
Encoding: main effect of load Bilateral hippocampus NA NA NA NA NA NA
Encoding: group × load interaction Bilateral hippocampus NA NA NA NA NA NA
Healthy volunteers vs. patients Encoding: main effect of group Bilateral striatum NA NA NA NA NA NA
Encoding: main effect of load Bilateral striatum L −20 6 2 9.77 4.37 118 0.003
Encoding: main effect of load Bilateral striatum R 20 12 2 8.59 4.37 79 0.012
Encoding: group × load interaction Bilateral striatum NA NA NA NA NA NA
Healthy volunteers vs. patients Encoding: main effect of group Bilateral DLPFC L 44 6 34 22.37 4.41 77 0.006
Encoding: main effect of load Bilateral DLPFC L −48 2 34 19.20 6.31 273 <0.001
Encoding: main effect of load Bilateral DLPFC R 8 24 36 13.10 5.16 85 <0.001
Encoding: main effect of load Bilateral DLPFC R 50 6 28 9.72 4.35 84 0.009
Encoding: group × load interaction Bilateral DLPFC NA NA NA NA NA NA
Healthy volunteers vs. patients Encoding: main effect of group Bilateral ACC L −10 36 20 16.52 3.78 21 0.017
Encoding: main effect of load Bilateral ACC R 8 18 38 13.97 5.35 384 <0.001
Encoding: group × load interaction Bilateral ACC NA NA NA NA NA NA
Healthy volunteers vs. patients Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral Hippocampus R 26 –26 –12 25.14 4.67 79 <0.001
Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral Hippocampus L −30 –30 –12 22.02 4.38 49 0.001
Retrieval: main effect of load Bilateral Hippocampus NA NA NA NA NA NA
Retrieval: group × load interaction Bilateral Hippocampus NA NA NA NA NA NA
Healthy volunteers vs. patients Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral striatum R 30 2 –8 34.32 5.43 201 <0.001
Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral striatum L −30 –6 –8 25.94 4.75 35 <0.001
Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral striatum L −14 12 14 21.94 4.37 57 0.002
Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral striatum R 16 6 16 21.21 4.29 80 0.003
Retrieval: main effect of load Bilateral striatum NA NA NA NA NA NA
Retrieval: group × load interaction Bilateral striatum NA NA NA NA NA NA
Healthy volunteers vs. patients Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral DLPFC R 2 42 26 22.40 4.41 176 0.005
Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral DLPFC R 46 2 32 19.20 4.09 28 0.018
Retrieval: main effect of load Bilateral DLPFC NA NA NA NA NA NA
Retrieval: group × load interaction Bilateral DLPFC NA NA NA NA NA NA
Healthy volunteers vs. patients Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral ACC R 10 0 42 24.54 4.62 154 0.001
Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral ACC R 10 42 12 20.77 4.25 167 0.002
Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral ACC L −8 16 28 19.06 4.07 43 0.005
Retrieval: main effect of load Bilateral ACC R 10 24 32 8.06 3.88 19 0.011
Retrieval: main effect of group Bilateral ACC L −4 22 38 7.11 3.58 5 0.031
Retrieval: group × load interaction Bilateral ACC NA NA NA NA NA NA

H hemisphere, L left, R right, MNI Montreal Neurological Institute, CS cluster size, p* p value surviving family-wise error (FWE) correction on the basis of peak-level extent