Table 2.
NRW80+ wave 1 sample (N = 1863) |
Population by 31 December 2016 (N = 1,077,296) |
N % | N | |
Gender (male) | 676 36.3 | 390,702 |
Female | 1187 63.7 | 686,594 |
Age group (80–84 years) | 1012 54.3 | 585,050 |
85–89 years | 573 30.7 | 331,145 |
90 years or older | 278 15.0 | 161,102 |
Living situation (private) | 1604 86.1 | 927,713 |
Living in institution | 259 13.9 | 149,583 |
Informant (self-report) | 1698 91.2 | 982,011 |
Proxy report | 165 8.8 | 95,285 |
Levels of care demand (none) | 1210 66.8 | 699,907 |
Level 1 | 58 3.2 | 33,304 |
Level 2 | 214 11.8 | 123,767 |
Level 3 | 193 10.6 | 111,500 |
Level 4 | 95 5.3 | 55,052 |
Level 5 | 43 2.4 | 24,849 |
Education (ISCED, low) | 534 30.0 | 308,969 |
Medium (upper/post-secondary) | 914 51.3 | 528,280 |
High (tertiary) | 332 18.6 | 191,701 |
Weighted data
ISCED International Standard Classification of Education