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. 2021 Oct 9;7(10):e08149. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e08149

Table 3.

Pearson's correlation matrix of proximate and nutrient components in the meat and shell of A. achatina, A. marginata and A. fulica species.

Moisture Fat Protein Fibre Ash Carbohydrate Energy Na K Ca Mg P Zn Fe Mn
Fat 0.852 1
Protein 0.144 0.641 1
Fibre 0.646 0.95 0.848 1
Ash 0.99 0.768 0.001 0.53 1
Carbohydrate -0.301 -0.756 -0.987 -0.922 -0.162 1
Energy 0.513 0.887 0.923 0.987 0.386 -0.973 1
Na -0.992 -0.91 -0.266 -0.736 -0.964 0.417 -0.616 1
K 0.988 0.762 -0.008 0.523 1∗∗ -0.152 0.377 -0.962 1
Ca 0.597 0.929 0.88 0.998 0.477 -0.945 0.995 -0.692 0.468 1
Mg 0.204 0.687 0.998 0.879 0.062 -0.995 0.945 -0.324 0.053 0.907 1
P 0.614 0.937 0.87 0.999 0.495 -0.937 0.993 -0.707 0.487 1 0.898 1
Zn -0.097 0.439 0.971 0.697 -0.238 -0.92 0.804 -0.028 -0.247 0.74 0.955 0.726 1
Fe -0.72 -0.977 -0.791 -0.995 -0.613 0.878 -0.965 0.801 -0.606 -0.987 -0.826 -0.99 -0.621 1
Mn -0.964 -0.96 -0.401 -0.825 -0.917 0.542 -0.722 0.99 -0.913 -0.788 -0.455 -0.801 -0.17 0.878 1
Cu -0.753 -0.986 -0.76 -0.989 -0.651 0.854 -0.951 0.829 -0.644 -0.978 -0.798 -0.982 -0.582 0.999 0.9

Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).