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. 2021 Oct 24;41:101162. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2021.101162

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies

First author, year Design Country Years of release from incarceration Years of follow up Total py at risk Median follow up (years) Population Total number of people Males % Age at baseline (years) Indigenous/ethnic groups (%) Total number of deaths (n) Deaths from violence n (%) Violence-related CMR (95%CI) per 100,000 py Violence-related SMR (95%CI) Reference population for SMR Significant risk factors for violence-related death QA score*
Binswanger, 2013 [24] R USA 1999-2009 1999-2009 334238 4•4 People released from prison 76461 84 M: 34•5, SD: 10 Non-Hispanic white (65)
Non-Hispanic African American (17)
Hispanic (12)
Non-Hispanic Asian (3)
Other (4)
2462 219 (9) 66•0 (57•0-74•0) 8•5
Washington State population matched on sex, race, age NR 17
Brinkley- Rubinstein, 2019 [25] R USA 2000-2015 2000-2016 1974823 NR People released from prison 229274 86 NR Non-white (60)
White (40)
14086 1461 (10) 74•0 (70•2-77•8)§ NR NA Restrictive housing during incarceration 23
Chang, 2015 [26] R SE 2000-2009 2000-2009 238457 5•1 People released from prison 47326 93 Rg: 16+ Born in Sweden (97)
Immigrant (3)
2874 83 (3) 35•0 (27•0-42•0) NR NA NR 18
Kariminia, 2007 [27] R AUS 1988-2002 1988-2002 NR 7•7 People released from prison 85203 90 M men: 27•2
M women: 27•3
Non-Indigenous people (86)
Indigenous people (11)
4834 229 (5)‡ NC 10•4
New South Wales population stratified on sex, age, year NR 16
Lim, 2012 [12] R USA 2001-2005 2001-2005 379363 NR People released from jail 155272 88 Rg: 16-89 Non-Hispanic Black (54)
Hispanic (34)
Non-Hispanic white (9)
Asian (0.8)
Other (2)
1149 219 (19) 57•7 (50•1-65•4)§ 1•7
New York City population matched on age, sex, race, and neighbourhood 1-2 weeks after release; incarcerated for ≥ 4 days; Aged less than 33 years; Belonging to an ethnic minority; Male; Not staying in a homeless shelter; Living in low-income area 26
Lize, 2015 [10] R USA 2006-2007 2006-2008 NR NR People released from prison 476 89 M: 34, SD: 10 American Indian and African American (62)
White (38)
166† 111 (67) 107•8 (106•8-108•0) NR NA Being male; Belonging to an ethnic minority; Younger age 21
Rosen, 2008 [28] R USA 1980-2004 1980-2005 1822869 NR Males aged 20-69 years released from prison 168001 100 Med: 32, IQR: 25-40 Black (55)
White (45)
15673 1708 (11) 93•7 (89•3-98•1)§ Black people: 2•7 (2•6-2•9)
White people: 6•7 (6•1-7•3)
Mid-years from 2008 to 2012 North Carolina population in residents matched on County, sex, race, and age NR 16
Rosen, 2020 [29] R USA 2008-2015 2008-2016 471282 NR People released from prison 111479 86 Rg: 18-88 Black (50)
Non-Hispanic white (42)
Hispanic (5)
Non-Hispanic other/unknown (3)
3617 395 (11) 83•8 (75•5-92•1)¶ NR NA NR 27
Spaulding, 2015 [30] R USA 1991 1991-2010 424524 NR People released from prison 23510 94 M: 32, SD: 9 Non-Hispanic African American (66)
Non-Hispanic white (33)
Hispanic (1)
Unknown (0.2)
3208 267 (8) 62•9 (55•3-70•4)§ NR NA NR 16
Teplin, 2014 [11] P USA 1995-1998 1995-2011 NR 14•7 Young people released from youth detention 1829 64 Rg: 10-18 African American (55)
Hispanic (29)
White (16)
Other (0.2)
111 75 (68) 279•0 (215•8-342•1)|| Men: 2•3 (2•1-2•6)
Women: 3•0 (1•7-5•2)
2005 Cook County population matched on race, sex, and age Being male; Belonging to an ethnic minority 18
Willoughby, 2020 [9] R AUS 1994-2007 1994-2007 270394 NR People released from prison 41970 81 Rg: 17+ Non-Indigenous people (81)
Indigenous people (19)
2158 68 (3) 25•0 (20•0-32•0) 10•0
2001 Australian population matched on age and sex Most recent incarceration <90 days 17

Note. Design: P = prospective; R = retrospective; Country: AUS = Australia; SE = Sweden; USA = United States of America; Age: M = Mean; Med = Median; Rg = Range; SD = Standard deviation; IQR = interquartile range; Other: CMR = Crude mortality rate; NA = Not applicable; NC = Not reported and could not be calculated; NR = not reported; py = person years; QA = Quality assessment; SMR = Standardised mortality rate; 95%CI = 95% confidence interval. *Based on the Methodological Standard for Epidemiological Research (MASTER) scale. Studies which scored above the median score (Med=18) are considered to have a low risk of bias. †Only includes violence-related deaths, suicides, and “other” violent causes. ‡Includes some violence-related deaths in prison. §Calculated using the number of violence-related deaths and total person-years. ¶Calculated using the standard error and violence crude mortality rate. ||Calculated using the median period of follow-up, number of people in the cohort and number of violence-related deaths.