Figure 2.
Characterizing human intestinal CD103–and CD103+CD69+CD8+T cells. (A) Distribution of CD69+/– and CD103+/– CD3+CD8+ T cells within the ileum of patients with active Crohn CD (n = 21) at time of endoscopy, characterized by flow cytometry. (B) Scatterplot and fitted linear regression of the simple endoscopic score for CD (SES-CD) for the ileum and the percentage of total mucosal CD8+CD69+CD103+ T cells derived from inflamed ileum of patients with active CD (n = 21), characterized by flow cytometry. Pearson’s r and the corresponding P value are depicted in the graph. (C) Representative gating strategy (upper) and quantification (lower) of Ki-67 in both CD103– and CD103+ CD69+CD8+ T cells in patients with active ileal CD (n = 4). The bar represents the median. Comparison was performed with a paired 2-tailed t test. (D) Unsupervised principal component analysis of all CD69+CD8+ T cell subsets analyzed by RNA-sequencing; CD103– from the lamina propria (orange/circle) and CD103+ from the lamina propria (blue/square) and epithelium (red/triangle) from both healthy control (HC) subjects (closed symbols) and CD patients (open symbols). PC, principal component.