Submolecular resolution fCG models to
study self-assembled NPs
and their adhesion onto functionalized surfaces. (a) Chemical structure,
all-atom (AA), and fine coarse-grained (fCG) models of facially amphiphilic
modular oligomers. These self-assembling units are composed of a branched
core (in black), hydrophobic groups (red) which trigger self-assembly
in aqueous solution, and hydrophilic groups (red), which can be functionalized
in different ways (i.e., with COO– charged groups, in yellow, in the example studied herein). (b) fCG
model of a NP obtained via self-assembly of 44 oligomers
in water. Guest fCG particles (in purple) are incapsulated spontaneously
in the NP and used to monitor guest release upon eventual NP disassembly.
(c) fCG model of a surface functionalized with +1e charged groups (dark green CG beads are constrained in their position,
while the topmost white ones carry a +1e charge).
(d) CG-MD simulation of static NP adhesion to surfaces characterized
by different densities of receptor groups. Snapshots taken after 1
μs of fCG-MD showing NP destabilization and disassembly upon
adhesion may be observed while increasing the charge densities on
the surface and on the NP.