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. 2021 Aug 25;9(1):10.1128/spectrum.00497-21. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.00497-21


FOP reduces disease symptoms associated with the burden of Salmonella in OMM12 mice

Treatment groupa No. of mice that wereb:
Clinical signs and symptoms on dayc:
M F FOP PBS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
ST784 FOP 6 + None None None None None None Mild
8 + None None None None None None Mild
ST784 PBS 6 + None None None None None Mod Sev
5 + None None None None Mild Mod Mod

Treatment groups were as shown in Fig. 2.


M, male; F, female.


Clinical signs and symptoms over time (days 0 to 6) are scored based on animal behavior (e.g., activity, hunching) and consistency of fecal pellets (e.g., formed/no liquid, formed/liquid, liquid) as follows: None, indicates no signs of disease; Mild, indicates 50% of animals in group exhibited mild signs of disease; Mod, indicates all animals in group exhibited moderate disease; Sev, indicates 50% of animals in group exhibited severe disease.