Figure 4.
The hallmarks of SARS-CoV-2 infection
(A) Orthoslice showing the entry of viral particles at the surface of the cell (n = 1/17). Individual SARS-CoV-2 virions (black arrows) and aggregates (orange arrows) are characterized by 0.35 ± 0.043 μm−1 of LAC and 239 ± 54 nm of diameter. On the right, cell surface and 3D rendering of virions.
(B) Orthoslices and 3D rendering of the large compartment found in three cells, showing high density and heterogeneous structure of the compartment.
(C) Orthoslices identifying DMVs as hollowed structures in proximity of the mitochondrial network with 3D rendering of the interacting organelles.
(D) Single orthoslice showing the position of convoluted membranes and the 3D rendering of the CMs in proximity with nucleus and mitochondrial network.
(E) Orthoslice (left) of a whole multinucleated cell and 3D rendering (right) of identified organelles. Each organelle is color coded as follows: nucleus - blue, mitochondria - green, lipid bodies - yellow, vesicles - cyan, virions - magenta, DMVs - red, CMs - orange, and large compartment - gray. Scale bars, 2 μm.